Garbage treatment equipment is equipment for the treatment of various food, daily necessities, and work supplies that are continuously generated during the normal operation of the ship during the designated period. For garbage disposal, the first step is classified collection, which is generally divided into plastic products and their mixtures, food waste, floating objects, and other wastes. The second step is for processing. General processing equipment includes incinerators, compactors, and mashing. Machine waiting.
For the garbage that cannot be discharged at sea, it can be stored or mashed and compacted and stored to the port to be sent to the receiving organization; for the garbage that can be discharged at sea, it can be stored or mashed and compacted and stored in the designated sea area; it can also be discharged in the designated sea area. After being crushed, it is sent to an incinerator for incineration, and the ashes are discharged in designated sea areas.
Garbage disposal is to quickly remove the garbage, carry out harmless treatment, and finally make reasonable use of it. The widely used garbage disposal methods today are sanitary landfill, high-temperature composting and incineration. The purpose of garbage disposal is harmlessness, resource utilization and reduction.